(Read full article on vlast.kz)
Against the backdrop of Russia’s military actions in Ukraine, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan warned citizens about criminal liability for inciting ethnic hatred, for calling for participation in the conflict, as well as for participating in hostilities on the territory of a foreign state.
“Since February, materials (publications, videos, posts, comments) regarding the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine have been actively posted in the media and social networks. At the same time, some of them are accompanied by calls for the participation of citizens of Kazakhstan in the conflict, deliberate provocative statements and deliberately false information with signs of inciting ethnic hatred, insulting the national honor and dignity of citizens of both sides. Moreover, some users of social networks, including from among the citizens of Kazakhstan, publicly commenting on the ongoing events, post separatist calls regarding the integrity of the territory of our country. These actions are prohibited by the Constitution of Kazakhstan, generally recognised international legal documents, to which our country is a party,”